We need help with windows, Doors , Plastering the floor and Painting the school which is estimated to cost $2500
You can donate breakfast and lunch for one child while at school each day $25 per term which comprises 3 months or $75 for a full year.
You can also help pay school fees for one struggling child to stay in school. $55 is required per term or $165 for a full year.
Churches at Katete and Njeru villages need a place where they can worship the Lord from. An estimated cost of $3000 can support to build standard church building at either location.
You can donate to help a struggling mother or a girl child to get vocational skills traininig in Tailoring, ICT or Catering for 2 years. $100 is required per term or $300 for a full year.
Provide Medical Support to Women and Children in Chritical health Conditions with out any hope or support. Any amont possible ranging from $50can help a sickle cell child or chronically ill chid to servive death and painfull attacks.
You can send a family gift to a needy family or underprivileged child to get basic needs like food, clothing and scholastic materials.
You can help facilitate a church gathering or conference for church leaders training, Women, Youth, or christian educators empowerment training. $1500 is required to cater for meals, transport and accomodation for the delegation for 2-3 days.